Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Are you familiar with RC&D? RC&D is one of the most successful rural development programs of the Federal Government. Began in 1962...they have grown and evolved and empower Rural Americans to work together to help make their lives and their communities better places!
RC&D is short for Resource Conservation and Development. Hodgeman County is part of the Coronado Crossing RC&D...this particular RC&D covers 7 counties in SW Kansas.
RC&D's help people protect and develop their economic,natural and social resources in ways that improve their area's economy, environment, and quality of life. They provide ways for people to plan and implement projects that will make their communities a better place to live. They bring together people, needs, opportunities, and solutions.
Anyone can join an RC&D! If you want to improve the quality of life in your community and believe that you can make a difference...we need you!
For more information, google RC&D programs, or contact Lea Ann E. Seiler at hodgeman1@fairpoint.net and I will get you in touch with an RC&D representative in your area.

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