Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bikes, Base Ball, and the Wild West

It was a busy weekend for the Vintage Base Ball Team -- they played the re-enactors at the Dalton Gang Hideout on Saturday and then took on the Bike Across Kansas Boys on Sunday afternoon! To the right is our own beloved "Uncle John Ewy", calling the game in his Vintage top hat and tails. Hodgeman Nine, our team, is a registered Vintage team -- one of only two in Kansas. They play in 1860's uniforms, by 1860's rules.

Pictured to the left is a photo I took of a lineup of the bikes taken on Sunday, June 7th when the Bike Across Kansas group stayed in Jetmore.

We THOUGHT we might have the advantage over these guys -- since they had already ridden their bikes from Garden City to Jetmore earlier in the day...but they were GOOD! A GREAT crowd as well -- it was the first time I had ever seen the "wave" during one of our games!

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